Favourite Peloton Rides

Favourite Peloton Rides

My Fave Tried & true peloton rides

Truth be told - I am a 90's music LOVER. Born in the late 70's, the 80's & 90's rides are my jam! You'll find a few different genres of rides below, but you can 100% expect to see this heavy in Boy Bands and Pop ladies. Grab your leg warmers, rip off those tear aways and let's get ready to ride.

If you try any of these rides, let me know! I'd love to know what you think!

Robyn Arzón brings it with this 90's ride! The perfect eclectic mix of 90's jams that will have your head boppin' and your heart beating! From Backstreet Boys to Lauryn Hill, there's even a fan fave song in here that will have you riding so hard your legs may explode... proceed with music loving caution.

Ally Love's 80's Pop ride! I love scheduling Monday Morning rides with Ally Love! Her upbeat personality and excellent music choices make her my fave way to ease into the week! This 80's Pop ride had me BELTING out the songs... even while out of breath.

Did she just play Rick Astley?!? Yah she did.... Leanne Hainsby's 30 min 80's Pop Ride will have you singing along to all of these 80's classics! Songs you may have forgotten about, but the lyrics will come flooding back!

Her rides have me clinging to life, but her music choices always make these rides worth it. Emma Lovewell's 90's Rock Ride takes me back! From Tom Petty to Crash Test Dummies, Pearl Jam & more. I hate her during these rides but always so proud when I complete one!

And another 90's ride with Ally Love to round out my fave 5. I don't think it's possible to do a ride with her without smiling and feeling happier than when you started. She exudes positive vibes. That combined with an epic playlist is enough to have me logging into this ride again and again.

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